Discover an effective at-home method for giving placental stem cells to special needs, autistic, and vaccine injured children using your own placenta. Placenta Preservation focuses on persons 65 pounds and under as the ideal demographic to see systemic gains from a oral administration of the placenta because of the volume of stem cells in a term placenta.
Stem cells are a gentle, 'live-cell therapy' that applies to most conditions. Stem cells can create significant changes in the body, even if there isn’t a clear diagnosis. This is really good news particularly for vaccine injured kids when it’s not clear what damage has been done. Medical teams that work with regenerative medicine need a diagnosis and treatment plan so they can inject the patient with the right type of stem cells. But the placenta has a ‘broader therapeutic potential’ because there are so many types of stem cells within the placenta, because those stem cells are pluripotent, and because the growth factors aid with tissue repair. Therefore, the placental stem cells could potentially help anyone who isn’t well.
Stem cells naturally go to areas of inflammation in the body. Because scientists can tag and track stem cells, we know they travel to areas of inflammation, disease, and damage. Even when hospital transplant teams do ‘bone marrow transplants,’ they don’t drill open bones fill them with cells. They simply attach the patient to an IV and put the donor stem cells into the patients arm—the cells are mobile (just like all white blood cells!) and know where to go. Placenta Preservation's program includes a 90 day supplement and dietary regimen to help heal inflamed, leaky guts so the stem cells are free to target more important issues. With any delivery method, cells do get stuck in the filtration systems of the body. Injected stem cells collect in the liver, the kidneys and lungs. Orally-consumed placental stem cells will establish in the gut—which is actually great for most kids!
There are different types of stem cells- the placenta has all of them. According to the International Society for Stem Cell Research, “Most stem cells have specific and limited capabilities. Without manipulation in the lab, tissue-specific stem cells can only generate the other cell types found in the tissues where they live… Thus, it is unlikely that a single cell type can be used to treat a multitude of unrelated diseases involving different tissues or organs.” Happily, the placenta has a wealth of different types of stem cells–after all it helped grow an entire human with every type of tissue.
Placental stem cells do not have to match the recipient's blood type or Rh factor. Blood type and the blood Rh factor don’t have a structural roll in the cell’s functioning and do not have to be a match between donor and recipient. Even if you were to receive a full organ like a kidney, the blood type does not have to match. What has to ‘match’ between donor and recipient are the human leukocyte antigens (HLA). A mismatch in MHC Class I molecules is the primary cause of transplant rejection, which is why it’s so significant that amniotic tissues have very few of these HLA cell surface receptors—the body doesn’t read the tissue as foreign or attempt to eliminate them. When amniotic tissue do have these cell surface receptors, siblings have a 1-in-4 chances of being a perfect match. In addition to having low HLAs, much of the placental tissue is immune privileged.
Orally consumed stem cells are 95% as effective as injected ones. Placenta Preservation's Program focuses on the broad therapeutic potential of stem cells for persons 65 pounds and under as the ideal demographic. Due to the volume of stem cells in a term placenta, the potential of systemic gains from oral administration of the placenta may decrease as weight increases above 65 pounds. So to be clear– parents feed their children raw placenta. Placental stem cells are “orally active” and like most other natural medicines, can work medicinally when ingested. In this method, the body does all the bio-technical engineering independently by stripping the extracellular matrix and taking up what it needs. The whole field of regenerative medicine started at the turn of the century with tests done on oral ingestion of stem-cell rich bone marrow and only progressed to an injection method years later. So this method is merely harkening back to a previously accepted practice. Modern tests done on oral vs intravenous delivery of stem cells found that orally consumed stem cells are 95% as effective as injected ones.
Stem cells are like a medicine that never stops working. Once a stem cell line transplants in the body, it can become ‘immortal,’ meaning it reproduces itself for the rest of the recipient’s life. It’s like taking medicine that never stops working. For children who have degenerative conditions like Rett Syndrome the stem cells can result in them getting healthier and stronger as more of their bodies are produced by stem cells that don’t have the degenerative genetic markers. It’s also possible that some of the growth factors and stem cells stimulate a more functional gene expression profile from the child’s same genome sequence—incredible.
Growth factors can "wake up" a patient's own stem cells. The immediate results many kids see in the first 72 hours may be due to the activating growth factors have on dormant or ‘quiescent’ stem cells. Dormant or ‘quiescent,’ (essentially non-dividing stem cells) stem cells hibernate in tissues until they are activated by a need for additional cells because of normal growth or a sudden injury. Regenerative placental medicine that includes stem cells and growth factors can powerfully regulate cells’ biological responses to enable system-wide renewal, restoration, and growth. Stem cells usually take six weeks or longer to transplant and begin to function.
To read powerful testimonials regarding parental stem cell treatment, please visit:
Michelle Smith is a certified BBA Placenta Stem Cell Consultant. She provides evidenced-based information on the benefits of placental stem cells, and gives professional support for parental administration of the placenta for children with conditions including genetic conditions, autoimmune diseases, vaccine injuries, and more. Placenta Stem Consultants do not transport the placenta, prepare it in their own home, retain health records, diagnose conditions, make guarantees of the effectiveness of the process, or administer the placenta.
* The methods and techniques contained on this website do not represent medical advice or procedure, and are not intended to replace the advice of a health care provider. It is advisable for any person beginning a health regiment to consult with a health care provider before inception.
Any person following any course of action suggested with parental placenta stem administration do so of their own free will. Birth Ease and Placenta Preservation assume no responsibility related to the participation of any individual or group following the recommendations herein.